Somewhere between Big Brother and the cinema of Charlie Kaufman, Catalan filmmaker Gemma Blasco—awarded at Sitges for her short film Jauría—makes her feature debut with El Zoo, an adaptation of a play born within Malnascuts, the young experimental theater laboratory of Sala Beckett in Barcelona.

A group of actors, deeply immersed in the preparation and performance of a play about a reality show, experience growing tensions among themselves, ultimately breaking the boundary between character and person.

Director: Gemma Blasco
Cast: Mar Pawlowsky, Judit Cortina, Andreu Lahoz, Júlia Maymó, Núria Frías, Pol Nubiala, Carlos Pérez
Audio: Catalan
Genre: Drama
Country: Spain

Produced by Tekila Films. Available at Filmin


