left (un)said

“The luggage was heavy.
The path was snowed in.
They took a deep breath.
- Tens tu la clau?”

Marc and Núria are two artists from Barcelona who live in different cities. They have decided to take a break from their lives for a while. They created this space to heal and to make sense of what they experienced together, aiming to turn everything that remained unsaid into something valuable.

This video installation with sculptures draws us into the daily life of this couple as they undergo a healing process to understand what they went through during a specific time in their lives. It is an exhibition that addresses universal themes such as pain, fear, and childhood wounds from a deeply personal perspective.

A video installation by Marc Pujolar and Núria Frías Corrius after a 3-months-residency at Vorwerk-Stift Künstler*innenhaus.
Special thanks to Vorwerk-Stift Künstler*innenhaus, Júlia Pigali, and Javier Melguizo

Galerie 22 at Vorwerk-Stift (Hamburg)

April & August 2021